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AGC Instruments 100 N2 Trace Gas Analyzer

AGC Series 100 Trace N2 Gas Analyser (0909).pdf [472.61 KB]

The AGC Series 100 SED is engineered for the continuous monitoring of N2 in Ar or N2 in He.
Its N2 specific detector has been derived from our extremely successful High Frequency Argon Discharge Detector (ADD) system, the Series 100 HF-ADD Gas Analyser.
AGC Instruments has been providing this system configuration for several years to the gas manufacturing companies and especially to argon and helium specific plants throughout the world.

The emission wavelength intensity of the Nitrogen molecule is selected to determine
the trace amount of Nitrogen in Argon or Helium Matrix Gas. The response is proportional to the nitrogen concentration in low ppb to high ppm range.

Using a spectral emission technique, a unique quartz ionisation chamber is utilised in which
the sample gas is ionised by a high frequency tuned oscillator with the resultant emission
wavelength intensity of the nitrogen component is directed through a narrow band pass filter and is detected via a photomultiplier tube.

Argon or Helium Purification Plants
Steel Industry
Air Separation Plants
Welding Gas Manufacturing
Speciality Gas Manufacturing Plants
Doping Gas Manufacturing
Filling Stations for Cylinder & Trucks
Semiconductor Industry
Chemical Plants
Wafer Fabs in Electronic Industry

Range: 0.01 – 50 ppm
Display: Digital Output (4-½ digit meter)
Response: 0.01 – 10 ppm < 60 secs (95%)
MDL: < 0.01ppm
Accuracy: Better than 0.01% of Full Scale
Zero Drift*(1): <20ppb
*(1) Over 24 hours at dT of operating temperature ±2°C
Zero Drift*(2): <50ppb
*(2) Over 24 hours at dT of operating temperature ±5°C)
Span Drift*(3): <10ppb
*(3) At approximately 5 ppm N2 in Ar over 24 hours at dT of sample gas of ±2°C)
Span Drift*(4): <10ppb
*(4) At approximately 5 ppm N2 in Ar over 24 hours at dT of sample gas of ±5°C
Interference*(5) (Relative to O2): 2ppm O2 will reduce the N2 by 20ppb and 0.1ppm will have no effect.
*(5) On a 5 ppm reading N2 in Ar by an increase of O2 concentration from < 0.1 ppm to 2 ppm.
Interference*(6) (Relative to CH4): 2ppm CH4 will add 0.25ppm to N2 and 0.1ppm will add 0.01ppm to N2
*(6) On 5 ppm reading N2 in Ar by increase of CH4 concentration from < 0.1 ppm to 2 ppm
Interference*(7) (Relative to H2O): 2ppm H2O will add 0.01ppm to N2 and 0.1ppm will not affect N2
*(7) On 5 ppm reading N2 in Ar by increase of H2O concentration from < 0.1 ppm to 2 ppm
Sample Flow: 50 – 500 mL/min
Sample Pressure: 30 to 600 KPa
Fittings: 2 x 1/8” VCR inlets 2 x 1/8” Swagelok outlets.
Output: Analogue 0-20mA or 4 – 20mA
Alarms: 4 Signal Alarm Contacts (Voltage Free)
(a) Hi Level / low level
(b) Detector Fault Alarm
(c) Temperature Control Alarm
4-20mA: Active 0-10V Load Resistance: 0 to 500 ohm
Isolation: 500Vrms Settling Time: Conversion + 50 millisec
Electrical Supply: 110/220/240 V, 50/60 Hz; 100 VA
Mounting: Bench or 19” rack
Dimensions: W = 19” (480 mm); H = 4U (180 mm); D = 450 mm
Nett Weight: 25 kgs Certification: CE